Southpaw Vet

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The Best Valentine You Can Get Your Pet

Valentine’s Day may usually be a day to show your significant other some serious affection, but who says you can’t show your pet some love, too?

There are a thousand potential Valentine’s Day gifts for pets out there, from treats to toys, and everything in between. Seriously — the next time you’re in a pet store, just take a look at the thematic or topical toys that are probably at the end of the aisle or the front of the store. You’re likely to find dog toys in the form of a bouquet of roses, bandanas adorned with hearts, cupids, and even “XOXOs,” and at some places, perhaps even specially-made treats.

And if you still don’t think that Valentine’s Day for pets is a big deal, consider this: Americans, collectively, will spend almost $26 billion on Valentine’s Day this year. While the majority of that won’t go toward pet products, some of it will. As much as 27% of those who plan on buying gifts for Valentine’s Day this year will buy something for their pets — totaling up to $1.7 billion.

Giving your pet a gift along any of those lines isn’t necessarily a bad thing (unless you’re giving them too many treats, of course), but in many households, funny toys usually end up torn to shreds, lodged under a couch, or otherwise discarded within a few days or weeks. Again — nothing wrong with a new toy, but there are other ways to show your dog or cat that you love them, too!

What do we recommend? 

For starters, how about a check-up and annual exam, to make sure your pet is in good health? If you haven’t been to a veterinarian in a while, or ever, we’d love to meet you and make sure your pet is safe and sound. 

Or, how about teeth cleaning? Yes, dental care is important for pets, just like it is for people. So, if your dog or cat hasn’t seen a pet dentist, now can be a good way to start. They may not “love” it like they would a box of treats, but it’ll do them better in the long run.

Finally, you might consider making an appointment for nutritional counseling. Again, it’s not the sexiest Valentine’s Day gift out there, but it’s one that can make a lasting impact on your pet’s health. And that’s really the most important thing, isn’t it?

Contact us to make an appointment today!

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