Southpaw Vet

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Is It Okay to Give Your Dog Table Food?

Many people are perfectly okay with giving their pets table food — a french fry here, or a bite of a burger there, however, what you eat isn’t necessarily suitable for your pets, and there are numerous reasons why. New research shows that while human food could be beneficial to your pup, there are a lot of things to consider.

Why Giving Your Dog Table Food May Be a Bad Idea

Here’s why you should reconsider feeding your pet table food.

Digestive Issues From Table Food

Dogs and humans have different digestive systems. As such, your pet buddy may vomit, have diarrhea, or even develop severe pancreatitis from the high fat and sodium content in your food.

Delicacies we typically enjoy as humans are toxic to dogs, for example, raisins, macadamia nuts, chocolate, and onions. Artificial sweeteners in processed foods are also harmful. Take the case of xylitol. Common in peanut butter, baked products, and breath mints, this additive can cause liver failure, seizures, and even death when consumed by pets.


According to past research, the fat and excess calories in table scraps increase your dog’s risk of obesity. Table foods might be packed with flavor, but they contain empty calories that increase your dog's weight without offering any nutritional value. 

When your dog is obese, they are more likely to suffer from heart disease, diabetes, and pancreatitis. Consider the costly, long-term medical implications of being too generous with your table food. Worse still, your canine friend has to suffer the pain and discomfort through no fault of their own. 

Behavioral Changes

Dogs that eat off the human table may develop behavioral issues as begging becomes a normal part of their routine. Others even develop aggressive behavior such as snatching food off the table or even your hands. So, no matter how pitifully your canine pal looks at you, resist the urge to drop them some scraps. 

Potential of Allergic Reactions

Your dog might be allergic to grains, dairy products, vegetables, seasonings, and even fish.

Common allergy symptoms include:

  • Diarrhea

  • Vomiting

  • Itchy skin and paws

  • Aggression

  • Swelling

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