What to Know About Puppy Mills in California
There’s been a lot of action to end puppy mills in California in early 2025.
In early February, the San Diego Humane Society joined the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) to sponsor three new laws that would end puppy mills in the state—while they’re already illegal, there are some loopholes that people use to keep the practice alive.
While many people may be familiar with the term “puppy mill,” we thought it’d be worthwhile to discuss what these facilities and practices actually are, why they’re generally harmful, and why the state is taking aim at them again, with the help of organizations like the ASPCA and Humane Society.
What are puppy mills?
There’s big money in pets. It’s a multi-billion-dollar per-year industry. With so much money to be made, there are opportunities to cut corners, typically at the expense and well-being of the animals themselves. That’s where puppy mills enter the fray.
In short, a puppy mill is a commercial breeding facility. That is, they’re churning out animals as quickly as they can, and again, that typically involves some troubling and downright deplorable conditions for the animals. Generally, these sorts of facilities are overbreeding dogs as quickly and frequently as possible, which can create issues with their health and genetic diversity.
That can lead to birth defects and other issues. Further, the dogs are often kept in squalid, unsanitary, and dangerous conditions. They may have limited access to food and water, and also medical care or veterinarian access. Again, this can lead to some obvious health issues—the dogs can get sick, spread diseases to one another, and injuries may go untreated. Behavioral problems can also be a problem, as the puppies aren’t properly socialized.
These dogs, then, make their way to retail stores or sellers, all to make a quick profit. While there are reputable dog breeders out there who take care of their animals, puppy mills are often the opposite of those breeders. That said, puppy mills can often pose as local breeders, when they’re funneling animals from puppy mills into people’s homes.
How can you avoid puppy mills?
Few people actively want to support puppy mills, which is why those facilities—and the sellers or retailers that are selling animals sourced from them—take measures to make sure buyers are none the wiser. With that in mind, there are some ways you can do your best to avoid supporting puppy mills.
For one, you can adopt a pet that needs a home, rather than buying one from a retailer or breeder. There’s almost always a surplus of pets that need a home, and that includes dogs of all shapes, sizes, ages, and breeds.
If you do want a specific animal, then you can do some homework to find a reputable breeder from your local area. You could even visit their facility, interview them, and give them a good old ocular patdown. Check reviews, and ask for references. Be on the lookout for anything that looks off.
Generally, too, it can be a good idea to avoid pet stores altogether. Again, there are plenty of pets that need a home. If you need some help finding a reputable place to look for a new furry companion, let us know. We’ll point you in the right direction!
Contact us to make an appointment today!
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