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Common Signs That Your Pet Has Allergies

Pet allergies are nothing to sneeze at!

Like humans, your pet is also prone to allergies. Allergies occur for both cats and dogs when an animal’s immune system is hypersensitive to a substance (allergen). So, to spare your pet from pain and discomfort, it’s crucial to know common allergy symptoms. Remember, too, that sometimes, allergens weaken the immune system, causing secondary infections which are harder and costlier to treat.  

Here’s a primer on pet allergies so that you know what to look for.

Types of Pet Allergies

Pet allergies fall into the following categories:

  • Seasonal Allergies: They’re a result of airborne allergens such as grass, pollen, mold, dust mites, and dust. Although symptoms can worsen or improve depending on the season, it’s not uncommon for allergies to occur throughout the year.

  • Flea Allergies: As the name suggests, flea allergies occur when fleas bite your pet buddy. The flea’s saliva contains antigens that trigger an immune response from the host animal. Even one bite is enough to cause an allergic reaction. 

  • Food Allergies: Such allergies occur when your pet’s immune system confuses a food item with an invader. Food allergies can occur at any stage of the animal’s life, even if they have eaten that food before. Although most food allergies come from proteins, your pet’s immune system can reject grains and other ingredients.

Allergy Symptoms

The following symptoms could be signs of allergies:

Skin Problems

A skin-related allergic reaction is called allergic dermatitis. It can occur on some parts of or all over the animal’s skin and usually manifests as a rash, crust, hive, or thickness. Because the skin is itchy, your pet will try to soothe its discomfort, displaying the following symptoms:

  • Swollen or sensitive paws

  • Biting the skin

  • Rubbing against surfaces

  • Hair loss

  • Excessive licking

  • Flaky skin 

Ear Infections

Apart from scratching the ear, your four-legged friend might exhibit these symptoms:

  • Head shaking

  • Ear discharge

  • Scabs around the ear

  • Swollen ear flap and canal

  • Ears might be painful or sensitive to touch

  • Foul-smelling ears 

Behavioral Issues

Dogs suffering from canine atopic dermatitis are more likely to exhibit problematic behavior. This is according to past research by the Univerity of Nottingham. Such behavior includes mounting, excessive grooming, stealing and begging for food, chewing, and eating feces.

Your pet’s discomfort might also cause excessive pacing and sleeping difficulties. Another issue is aggression–the animal might snap, bite, or become too vocal. In extreme cases, your furry friend can fall into depression and lose interest in their favorite activities.   

Digestive Problems

Gastrointestinal symptoms can occur immediately after allergen exposure or much later. They include:

  • Abdominal pain

  • Appetite loss

  • Diarrhea

  • Vomiting

  • Excessive gas

  • Stomach gurgling

Respiratory Issues

Your pet might experience respiratory problems when they inhale dust, mold, pollen, or similar allergens. The first symptom is troubled breathing–your furry family member may gasp for air or experience rapid or shallow breathing. Animals may also sneeze in an attempt to clear their airway. Additionally, watch out for wheezing, coughing, snoring, and nasal discharge.  

Eye Problems

Allergens may affect one or both eyes causing redness and itching. As a result, your animal might squint, rub, or paw at the eyes to ease their discomfort. What’s more, they may tear excessively or produce clear and colored discharge.
Note that although every animal can suffer from allergies, some breeds are more prone to allergens than others.

Allergy Management

Even if you see allergy-like symptoms, don’t diagnose the animal without seeing the vet. Your veterinarian will investigate the symptoms’ root cause and identify triggers before the condition worsens. If the symptoms are severe, your vet could refer you to dermatologists and other specialists.

Besides medication, the veterinarian can recommend diet and lifestyle changes to keep your furry friend healthy and happy. Don’t forget to go for follow-ups to evaluate the treatment’s effectiveness. 

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